When Traffic Signals Are Not Working Properly

In the aftermath of Hurricane Isaias, many traffic signals were off due to the loss of power in many areas, and it appeared as if many drivers were unsure about what to do in this situation. North Carolina General Statute §20-158 (b)(6) provides as follows:
“When a traffic signal is not illuminated due to a power outage or other malfunction, vehicles shall approach the intersection and proceed through the intersection as though such intersection is controlled by a stop sign on all approaches to the intersection. This subdivision shall not apply if the movement of traffic at the intersection is being directed by a law enforcement officer, another authorized person, or another type of traffic control device.”
If you approach a major intersection with multiple lanes of travel, then the vehicle that arrived first has the right of way. When two vehicles arrive at the same time, then the vehicle to the right has the right of way and gets to proceed first.
Please make sure to be familiar with the laws governing the use of the roads in North Carolina in order to stay safe and avoid violations which could result in fines, driver license and insurance points.
However, should you or someone you know receive a citation for a traffic violation in Southeastern North Carolina, in or around Wilmington, NC, in New Hanover County, Brunswick County, or Pender County, contact Collins Law Firm at 910-793-9000 for a confidential consultation.
By Jana H. Collins