Speed a Little. Lose a Lot.
Monday, April 11th, 2022
In 2021, 424 speed related crash fatalities were reported in North Carolina, 273 of which were of the male population between the ages of 15 and 29.
At high rates of speed, one’s ability to avoid obstacles in the road, or to maintain lane control in curves is drastically reduced, and vehicles travel considerably further after brakes are applied before they come to a complete stop.
To bring awareness of the dangers of speeding the Governor’s Highway Safety Program’s annual campaign “Speed a Little Lose a Lot” was launched today, April 11, 2022, and will last through Sunday, April 17, 2022.
During this campaign, the Governor’s Highway Safety Program, teamed up with law enforcement across the state, will step up the enforcement of speed limits in order to get motorists to slow down.
For your own sake and the sake of others, please obey the traffic laws, and travel safely.
However, should you or someone you know receive a citation for a traffic law violation such as a speeding ticket, call the friendly professionals at Collins Law Firm at 910-793-9000 for a confidential consultation.
Collins Law Firm represents people charged with a wide range of traffic matters from simple speeding tickets to serious felony charges. In many cases we are able to avoid the necessity of our clients appearing in court and we help eliminate or mitigate the negative consequences of citations or charges. For most minor traffic matters, Collins Law Firm offers a free initial telephone consultation or we usually have appointments available immediately if you would like to come to our office to meet with a member of our staff.
By Jana H. Collins