Halloween Weekend 2020
Friday, October 30th, 2020
As Halloween Weekend 2020 approaches, the Governor’s Highway Safety Program’s annual Booze It & Lose It Campaign is in full swing through early next week. The campaign partners with law enforcement across the State to not only enforce traffic laws by setting up sobriety checkpoints in all 100 counties, but to also raise awareness and educate the public on how dangerous it is to drive distracted or impaired.
Since October sets off the holiday season, it is considered one of the deadliest months of the year with respect to traffic accidents, according to the Highway Safety Program. As individuals head out to go to costume parties and trick or treating, there are higher chances for drunk driving and pedestrian accidents.
In addition, this weekend marks the end of Daylight Savings Time in North America, so we get an extra hour to party, eat candy, and watch Halloween movies, but do not forget to turn your clocks back an hour!
Also, as COVID restrictions continue to be enforced, some individuals may wonder how they can celebrate Halloween safely, and with minimal social contact with others who are not in their household. Some creative ideas could be to wear a Halloween face mask to pass out candy, or to make individual candy bags for trick or treaters to pick up on their own. Another idea could be to transform your front yard into a candy graveyard, leaving the candy around a path for kids to collect. There are also printable signs online that you can hang on your door to inform your neighbors that you are safely passing out candy this year.
We hope that everyone has a fun, but safe, Halloween weekend! However, if you find yourself in need of an attorney because you or someone you know has been hurt in an accident, or was charged with a traffic violation or crime in New Hanover, Pender, or Brunswick Counties, call Collins Law Firm at (910) 793-9000 for a confidential consultation about how we can help you.
By Karen M. Thompson, Paralegal